Swan Lake’ ballet inspires, Gainesville studio Dance Alive announces new cultural facility

Now 31 years after its first performance at the venue, Dance Alive Studios brought the timeless ballet “Swan Lake” back to the Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts March 25. A recently announced facility is also helping Dance Alive turn the page into a new era.

Guest artists Oksana Maslova and Sterling Baca from Philadelphia Ballet were featured in the show, and Dance Alive principals Carla Amancio and Gabriel Lopes were featured in an earlier showing.

Although this rendition of the classic ballet won’t be too different from years’ past, the refined dancers of Dance Alive have trained to ensure they can to honor the standard of dance it requires.

Playing the main role of Odette is Carla Amancio, a lead ballet dancer who has worked with Dance Alive National for 16 years. Originally from Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Amancio has performed a principal role in nearly every production Dance Alive has put on in her time with them — except “Swan Lake.” 

Now, it’s Amancio’s turn to shine for her first time in this full-length role — and she’s not taking it for granted. 

Cait Thompson